If you're ready to break free from fear, anxiety, and trauma—and step into a life of clarity, peace, and confidence—then you’re in the right place.


Hypnosis is a permanent solution, not a temporary fix.

While everyone else is trying to make you think your symptoms are normal and there's nothing you can do about them, I'm here to tell you that you can actually find and heal the root cause—forever—so you can step into a new version of you.

Transformation happens when you stop giving your power away to others, and start taking your power back, by reconnecting to who you truly are. Deep down, you know exactly what's out of balance and exactly what you need.

I'm here to help you reconnect to yourself so you can create the life you imagine—without anything blocking you anymore.


If you're not sure if hypnosis will work for you—don't worry, we can find out. Take our short quiz to discover how hypnotizable you are now.


Imagine taking a nap and waking up better—forever.

While everyone else is trying to make you believe that lasting change is a slow process that takes years and requires tons of hard work and struggle, I'm here to share with you that it doesn't have to be like that at all.

In fact, it can be just the opposite—easy, fast, and surprisingly enjoyable—if you let it.

That's not to say it doesn't require any work—it's just that in the world of hypnosis, the work is you laying down, closing your eyes, and going on a guided journey that connects you with your truest self.

Step 1: Clarity

Are you confused about what is causing your current symptoms, what is keeping them there, or what is making them worse? Imagine knowing exactly where these come from and how to move beyond them. The first step is to make the invisible visible, by uncovering the source of the issue.

Step 2: Understanding

Now that you see clearly what's really going on, we begin to develop an understanding of the reason that these symptoms are in place and how to move past them. This understanding illuminates the pathway to healing the root cause and clearing the issue once and for all.

Step 3: Purpose

Once the healing begins, we discover the purpose of the issue and what the meaning of it was for in our lives. Knowing the purpose of this core issue also connects us with our unique purpose and values. We understand the greater role the issue played and that we play in the grand scheme of life.

Step 4: Confidence

With this newfound knowledge, we are empowered to continue forward on our hero's journey, take our power back, and step into our full mission. We are better equipped to face the road ahead and are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually stronger for having conquered this issue.

If they can do it, so can you.

Business Owner

✓ Healed Panic

Tech Executive

✓ Healed Pain

Grad Student

✓ Healed Anxiety

Fitness Instructor

✓ Healed Fear

Will you be our next success story?—Yes!


Hi there!

My name's Alex. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me.

At the height of my career as one of the world’s top YouTube creators, I was diagnosed with cancer, an illness that truly changed my life—for the better.

This experience led me down a path of trauma healing, discovering my purpose, and stepping into my power by becoming a hypnosis practitioner to help others.

I never imagined I'd get into hypnosis, but after seeing firsthand how effective it is, I now can’t imagine doing anything else.

The results have shown me that anything is possible.

Since opening this business in 2021, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with clients every day, conducting hundreds of sessions and witnessing what I once thought would have miracles.

I'm proud to share that through referrals from my clients, I’m now serving people globally in many different countries over Zoom.

I'm excited to now be in a position to teach others my method and help practitioners unlock the full power of hypnosis.

Because so many people still aren’t aware of how effective hypnosis is for healing, I’ve made it my mission to share this with the world.

In love and service,



© 2024 Alex Negrete LLC - All Rights Reserved

Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical, psychological, or psychiatric care. We do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any condition.

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