ATTN: Those Ready for New Possibilities...


Transform Fear, Anxiety, and Trauma Today



Business Owner

Transformed anxiety


Tech Executive

Healed chronic pain


Grad Student

Discovered her purpose


Fitness Instructor

Stepped into her power


Block Breakthrough

Identify and remove the blocks holding you back, so you can move forward with clarity

Anxiety to Alignment

Transform your anxiety into confidence and step into your purpose

Trauma Transformation

Free yourself from the patterns, attachments, and trauma that hold you back


At the peak of my career as one of the most popular digital creators in the world, I was diagnosed with a life-altering illness. This life-changing event shifted me onto a path of spiritual healing and self-discovery, where I was able to overcome it and learn that there is more to life than just what we can see with our eyes. I yearned to connect with something greater than me and develop my own relationship with it without the use of mind-altering substances, which led me to discover hypnosis.

I wasn't sure what to make of hypnosis at first and thought it might be too woo-woo, but after witnessing firsthand how effective it was, I decided to go all-in and have never looked back. I never dreamed that the healing and transformative experiences I have had and now share every day with my clients were possible, yet they are. It blows my mind that most people still don’t know that true forms of healing and deeper connection like this exist, so I have made it my mission to share this method with the world. It’s amazing to me that such a simple and gentle technique can be the key to everything we’re seeking.

My biggest passion is to teach people how to connect with this greater part of themselves clearly, anytime they want, without needing me, which is where I see this work going in the future.


© 2024 Alex Negrete LLC - All Rights Reserved

Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical, psychological, or psychiatric care. We do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any condition.

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